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Featured Florist

Our floral displays this year will include a large central display in the Sanctuary working with our theme of "Connections---Art + Floral + Music".We will also feature 12 floral displays throughout the Sanctuary, each accompanying the artwork of one of our 12 "Select Artists". These floral items will be available through a silent auction. Conrad Quijas, AIFD, owner of the Stem Gallery, will be creating this "One Man Show" for our floral presentations.​

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Select Artist

Each year, a group of artists is selected to exhibit one of their pieces of artwork, to accompany our floral presentations. This year's artists include:

Marcia Bauerle

Jo Brown

Anne Burkholder

Mark Coyle

Karen Dienstbier

Mitch Egeberg

Louie LaBudda

Jill Lein

Jude Martindale

Conrad Quijas

Liz Shea-McCoy

Vonnie Sparks

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